This page needs more work, but here is some information from the pov_tools directory in ProffieOS...
Use ProffieOS POV Tools to create Persistence-Of-Vision images that show when you swing the blade.
This script utilizes the existing Makefile in the pov_tools folder.
Images can be created without this script via command line by typing 'make'.
Arguments may be provided as 'OPTIONS=--height=N --length=N --offset=N'
Under the hood:
pnmtorle - Converts a full-color image to hex data to be included in the code.
pgmtorle - Converts a single-color image to hex data to be included in the code.
pnmwindshieldwiper - Scales the image and bends it so that it will work on a swinging blade.
pnmquantizedtorle - Quantizes images to 8bit 256 colors to balance using color images and not taking up too much memory.
Install Windows Subsystem for Linux
Linux subsystem for Windows is required before usage.
This can be done without manually downloading anything.
Install g++ and netpbm
To run the script:
Windows: Double click "create_POV_data_files-Win.bat"
(If Microsoft Defender pops up a warning, click "More Info" then "Run anyway")
Mac or Linux: Double click "create_POV_data_files"
Choose a sizing option from the list. There are some preset sizes plus 'Height entry only' and 'Custom size' options.
(Height is the number of pixels in the blade)
You may want to choose 'Custom' first to get an idea of what gets calculated, then the presets will make more sense.
Once familiar, you can customize the presets by editing that section of the script.
All valid .png files in the pov_tools folder will be processed to the setting you chose.
Check the resulting *preview.png in the pov_tools folder. It should look warped like a windshield shape.
The image data files are written directly to the ProffieOS/styles folder.
They will be formatted "sourceFileName_height_colorProfile_POV_data.h"
If you used a Single Color source file, use the resulting SC_POV_data.h file.
If you used a Full Color source file, then use the resulting FC_POV_data.h file.
If you used a Full Color source file, memory use might be less by choosing the 8b_POV_data.h file.
A running log of your conversion history with the setting used is written to POV_conversions.log.
To use the POV data file for a blade style, first tell the OS which one with the following line added to your config file
in the CONFIG_TOP section: #define POV_INCLUDE_FILE "dataFileNameHere.h"
Then you just use the POV blade style in a preset:
{ "Font", "tracks/track.wav",
Swing the blade in a steady, quick movement to see the image in the air. A long-exposure camera capture showcases the result best.